Friday 26 December 2008

Essay Plan


Start with this quote-In 1970s action-adventure shows, only 15 per cent of the leading characters were women- talk about this quote suggests how rare it was for women to become leading roles in the 70s and therefore women were underrepresented.
Now days the figures are:
-In my introduction, I will make sure I write out clearly what the question is I am focusing on, and a quote from the movie/text I am going to be looking at. ‘mankind faces extinction, one women, is the final hope, for our survival'.· In the introduction, highlight the main points, in this case say how life was seen in the early days, such as women and representation, and introduce the text roughly to the examiner.
*Past- males were dominant protagonists Women were under represented
*Present- exceeding number of women in leading dominant roles- shows change in society.
*highlighting the amount of films that show female characters playing the main role and as dominant- women in these films oppose propp’s theory. Women not princess- women are hero’s
-Directors and writers being Male or representation of women being biased and non biased-new man.

Para 2
-Paragraph talk about old historical texts (in this include stuff like masculinity, femininity and how genders have changed and developed.
-Women in the Hollywood movie are more and more being portrayed as dominant instead of the “object of desire”. A brief outline the change in portrayal of women from past films and contemporary. Reference to films such as Kill Bill,
Para 3
-talk about political issue that are /were in the Media, and how it had brought a change in today’s generation. For example you can talk about the Women’s movement, and the Second World War, how women’s took over men’s job and war in the munitions.

Para 3
-bring in theorist and authors and start to make points and add quotes in the study. Mention stuff like how females were seen to be sex symbols in the early days (Laura Mulvey) link this to my study/text talk about Milla jovovich, how she is not seen to be a ‘sex symbol’- show both sides how she is not in para4. (Male gaze) refer to Gauntlett.
- Milla Jovovich kills lots of males showing her authority over the opposite sex and uses Struass-binary opposition as its women vs. men.

Para 4:
How milla jovovich is represented as a sex symbol.. and how...
Link this to the film having a male director- so biased opinion- we live in a patriarchal society.
Link to Mulveys theory and other quotes from david gauntlets book.
*Guns and knives- Phallic object

Show the change of role of female characters. Link to films from the past and gradually become more contemporary. Films such as James bond and Kill Bill.
*Talk about society now how females are accepted as going to work.

*Talk about gender as a whole. So how females were seen to be in the early days (Mulvey) how they are seen to be now (Independent)
* how males were seen in the early days (superior) how they are seen to be now (New Man)

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