Monday 8 December 2008

Bibliography- 10 books

Hollows Joanne: Feminism, femininity and popular culture

* "second-wave feminism is seen as a product of the past." pg1
* "male character is presented as doing a favour for his wife by helping out in order to get in her good books, thereby confirming the nation that it is normal for women to be responsible for domestic labour." pg 23


*"advertisers have by now realised that audiences will only laugh at images of the pretty housewife" pg57

*“She doesn’t lead the story, she doesn’t make the central decisions, she doesn’t repeatedly save her male colleague, and she’s not the star of the film.” (pg47)

*Sharon Smith Journal (1972): Women and Film

*"The role of women in a film almost always revolves around her physical attraction, and the mating games she plays with the male character".

Jeffords Susan: Hard Bodies: Hollywood Masculinity in the Reagan Era (1993)

*“Good mother icons are pretty thin on the ground too; we’ve probably got more good fathers these days.”

Tasker Yvonne: Working Girls: Gender and Sexuality in Popular Cinema

*"there are only three ages for women in Hollywood:babe, district attorney and driving miss daisy."

Riley Glenda:The Female Frontier

*"domestic service attracted a wide variety of women." pg 126

Rosen Marjorie: Popcorn Venus: Women, Movies and the American Dream (1973)

*"the Cinema Woman is a popcorn Venus, a delectable but insubstantial hybrid of culture distortions"

Gogerly Liz: 21st Century lives. Film Stars

Halle's Speech on Oscar Night 2002

*"Oh my God. Oh my God. I'm so sorry. This moment is much bigger then me. This moment is for...every nameless, faceless woman of colour that now has a chance because this door tonight has been opened". (page 8)

Kaplan: Women in film noir (1978)

*"The film noir world is on in which women are central to the intrigue of the films, and are furthermore usually not placed safely in...familiar roles...Defined by their sexuality, which is presented as desirable but dangerous, the women function as an obstacle to the main quest. The hero's success or not depends on the degree to which he can extricate himself from the women manipulations. Allthough the man is sometimes simply destroyed because he cannot resist womens lures, often the world of the film is the attempted restoration of order through the exposure and then destruction of the sexual manipulating women. (page 2-3)

Jacobs Lea: The wages of sin: Censorship and the Fallen Woman Film 1928-1942

*"These films concern a woman who commits a sexual transgression such as adultery or premartial sex. In traditional versions of the plot, she is expelled from the domestic space of the family and undergoes a protracted decline". (page 107)

Neale Steve: Genre and Hollywood

*Thomas and Krutnick- the femme fatale tends to represent "conflicting elements within male identity"

*"A womans film is a movie that places at the centre of its universe a female who is trying to deal with emotional, social and psychological poblems that are specifically connected to the fact that she is a woman"-Basinger (1993:20)

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