Monday 15 December 2008

Contemporary adverts

Diet coke advert

In this advert the women are seen as independant. This is shown through as when the man comes down the lift instead of the male gaze their is the 'female gaze' as the women are gazing upon the men. However the use of the pepsi can suggest that it is a phallic symbol to the women. The women are dressed in smart clothes which also proves that they are independant as they have their own job and don't have to rely on the man.

Perfume advert

In this advert the women is promoting a perfume however in the whole advert we see a middle shot used to show the women face all the time, this links back to mulvey's theory of the male gaze as the shot is focusing more on the women face than the perfume itself. In this advert it could be questioned that what is the point of the women not wearing any clothes in a perfume advert as it is totally not related and just shows that the women are there for the male gaze and to look good for them this is also reinforced as the women are young and good looking.

lip gloss advert

Vanish oxi advert

In a way this is the kind of advert that people may laugh at this is because the women is shown being domestic which is something women don’t tend to do that often anymore, however it could suggest that there are still women who don’t go to work and look after their family and house hold chores even though women nowadays are in control of their professional and social life, and a kitchen slave to no one. This stereotypical representation can reinforce that women are “symbolically annihilated” and reinforce what happened in the 70s that women are shown most often in advertising promoting kitchen and bathroom products.

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