Monday 15 December 2008

Historical adverts


The women is seen as a typical housewife who’s role is to look after the house especially when the husband has probably gone to work and the kids at school she is kind of seen as a free women who can do whatever she wants and that is to clean up the house. The advert shows the women quite happy when she is cleaning letting the audience know that women are happy doing cleaning (it’s like their hobby). The advert reinforces what Bartsch said- ‘women were twice as likely as men to be in commercials for domestic products’. In the past women were expected to do such roles as that is what was going on in society as women did not have good jobs or even get out of the house much, it was like their house was their ‘comfort zone’ which they hardly ever got out of.

Peugeot 305 advert

The advert is related to a new car that has been released and to a certain extent if you think about it you will think that why on earth the woman even is in the advert as the car is aimed at men and the women has nothing to do with the car so why have her in there. This could suggest that men are reliant on women for things that they need. The actress is acting in a promiscuous way through the way she speaks and poses it suggests the idea of sex sells, in addition what she is saying is good about the car connotates what is believed that the women wants in her ideal man as she says it has "power" and "control" which further brainwashing males. The woman is acting in a very sexually promiscuous way which is once again re emphasizing the theory of the male gaze.

Flake advert

Cortese’s- women are often shown as the ‘perfect provocateur’. This is re-emphasised through the women eating the flake slowly and lusciously making her look provocative and as she is young, good looking which links back to Mulvey’s theory of the male gaze as her acting in such a provocative way would make men gaze upon her and excite them as the flake can also be seen as a phallic symbol. He also says talks about “Symbolic and institutionalised Sexism” which says that the media is sexist and this was extremely true in the past as women were given certain roles that you would never see a man doing such as this flake advert for example.

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