Friday 2 January 2009

Historical texts

The movie was pretty patriarchal and would have not pleases feminists and shows how much the role of women in Hollywood has changed compared today as the typical gender role females generally played is the women who needs saving because she is weak and is apparently incapable of getting herself out of a difficult situation as shown in superman such as when superman has to save a women from a car crash and she falls unconscious and when superman brings her out of the car he kisses her which shows that women are just an object of desire for men. Superman is shown many time saving women lives n the movie which is a clear portrayal of male dominance as there is no sign of female empowerment or women being as strong as superman. The most relevant role a respective female plays in the movie is by Lois lane who is Superman's love interest and is hardly shown in any strong positions throughout the whole film giving females a negative representation once again as it shows that women were only given token roles and therefore were underrepresented and ‘symbolically annihilated’


Indiana Jones:

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