Monday 6 October 2008


AO1 - demonstrate knowledge and application of the Key Concepts employed within Media Studies and the evaluation of texts and ideas using the Key Concepts

I feel as though I have analyzed my topic with the key concepts quite well, especially when analyzing specific clips from YouTube. The key concept which i have covered most is representation, as my entire independent study is based on the representation of women. I have also looked at audience and media language in detail. I think I have achieved this objective fairly well as I have been doing many MIGRAIN analysis of the trailer and the whole movie. Also I think this is one of the easier objectives as I have been learning how to meet this objective well since yr12. Even though representation is one of the concepts that I have done a large amount on work on I feel that I could still do more as it is the main aim of my research, I will meet this by getting books on representations and finding more useful sites that can help me.

AO2 - demonstrate knowledge and application of the wider contexts (historical, social, political, economic) relevant to Media Studies

I have not yet focused a lot on the wider contexts. I have not covered aspects of SHEP yet. I could cover these by looking at some olden days movies of women for Historical concept.

AO5 - demonstrate the ability to use appropriate investigative and research techniques in carrying out an independent study of a media text, topic or issue

I have not yet fully covered all the available literature of my text. I have used online services to get reviews and quotes of my film however; I need to get more book research to ensure that I get a variety of research from all sources which I then can add in in my essay.
I think I have formulated a good question as it is not a very complicated question therefore it is clear and easy to understand. I feel that with this question I can explore a number of representations which are brought up in the film.
My hypothesis is not very detailed; however it is detailed slightly but could be more detailed, though it does state what intend to find out from my study.
I have considered a few of the issues and debates that occur or surround my study. The issues and debates which are clear from my study are male dominance, representation of women as weak and dominant.
I have undertaken a fair amount of textual analysis and have analyzed the film trailer, and the film itself.
I have viewed my text twice.
I have not analyzed my text in detail from different theoretical perspectives; however I have looked at feminist theoretical perspectives.
I have not yet analyzed other texts from the same/different genre from my texts, however I do definitely intend on doing that soon.
I have been keeping record of useful sites that I have got information from, such as, useful quotes from reviews, but I have not read any books about my text therefore I have not kept a record of any useful pages from books.

draw together understanding of Key Concepts, from different parts of the specification in order to make effective textual readings
-draw upon knowledge and application of a wide range of possible relevant contexts, in order to account for the characteristics of media texts.

I have studied my text to other parts of my course such as narrative and theories such as Levi Strauss and Binary opposition. I have not yet read Media Guardian a lot or found any relevant stories, but I am definitely going to research more.

- apply critical ideas and principles to new situations – and demonstrate media literacy
in responses to media texts

I am thinking for myself and coming up with my own ideas.
I am working independently. I have been O.K with my self motivation, as the movie that I have chosen for my independent study is pretty boring, however the related texts are pretty interesting therefore I look forward to research them.

-select and use forms and styles of writing appropriate to purpose and complex subject matter

- organise relevant information clearly and coherently, using specialist vocabulary when appropriate
-ensure text is legible, and
spelling, grammar and punctuation are accurate, so that meaning is clear

So far I think that my work is presented quite well. My spelling, grammar and punctuation all seem to be accurate; however my work could be better by highlighting key words. I could also use more media terminology to make my work better.

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