Wednesday 8 October 2008

Social Context
Nowadays women have been represented more in action movies and change can easily be seen through the movies. The narrative of a typical action film has not changed much but the character has from male to female. This shows that society is changing and becoming less patriarchal and it shows how women now can do anything men can do. This change is seen through movies developing over time and bringing women from being passive characters to main characters in action films.

Historical Context
Earlier in films women were used as passive characters in films and not taken seriously, they were used as sex objects to seduce men and created a bigger audience for films. Now women have a much stronger purpose in films, it started happening slowly and now gradually more films are coming out whereby women have a positive main role in a film just like REE.

Economic Context
Women are respected much more now and it’s not only men who earn for a household now. So from this it shows how women are just as good as men and just as wealthy as men.

Political Context
Most movies have a message whereby it is reflected due to the mood at the time, in REE I think it shows how women have moved and changed so much in society and now society is much more correct and slightly more fair.

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