Friday 23 January 2009

Self Evaluation 2

*I would give myself a 3 for attainment as my achievements so far in the course are good. I hope that as I go on with the course my attainment in the course goes allot better.

Effort -2
*I would give myself a 2 for effort as I believe this term I have tried to put in allot of effort in lesson by participating in answering questions.

* I have given myself a 2 for punctuality as most of the time I have come to lesson on time I think!

Submission and quality of homework-2
*Sometimes my homework is really good and sometimes it is averagely good, this is as I believe that my homework’s have been really good because I have got like 3 credits for my homework. Also most of the time my homework is always completed on time.

Ability to work independently-2
*I believe the ability of me being able to work independently is very good, this is as all the work that I have produced on my blog is my independent work and I have done a large amount of work on the blog and most of this work is of good quality.

Quality of writing-2
*I have given myself a 2/3 for my quality of written work as most of the work that I have posted up on my blog is of really good quality, this is as I put a lot of effort in my h/w.

Organisation of Media folder-2
*I consider the organisation of my media folder as very good this is as everything is in order.

Oral contributions in class- 2
*I believe my Oral contribution is very good this is as I take part in the class discussions and most of the time I try to answer questions that the teacher asks us.

Standard of Module 5 blog-2
*I believe the standard of my Med 5 blog is pretty good this is as I have done allot of work of work on my blog which is of good quality.

Standard of Module 6 blog-4
*My med 6 blog is quite poor this is as I have only done 3 posts on the blog so far and the quality is OK.

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