Saturday 15 November 2008

Points from expamle cw

* Since the late 1990s their has been a change in what society is willing to accept, for exampe their has been a decrease in the amount of censorship.

*Their was a lot of controvesy in society beause the magazines contained images and articles that were seen to promote a sexist attitude, degarding representatin of women.

*Women have been rising in statu throughout the media.

* 'Lads'- men aged between 15-25, their modern, fashionable young men, not afraid to admit they enjoy porn, women, sex, heavy drinking and sports.

*Mens magazines represent women as the prototypical object of sexual desire, presenting the idea that a womens purpose is to look appealing and attractive to male audience.

*Prototypical-constituting or representing an original type of something that others are modelled on, or derived from

*The student talks about exactly how the person on the magazine was posed and colours and how all that relates to the audience and connotations of colours.

*Women are traditionally seen as beatifull, attractive, thin and well groomed. This puts pressure on women to conform to hat the male audience finds attractive.

*Women are stereotypicaly seen to men as only objects of theri sexual desire, and should conform to what they view as attractive, this relates to the hpodermic needle, that audiences are passive and easily influenced.

*"Effect tradition"theory- men to be the dominant gender over women.

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