Tuesday 18 November 2008

Hegemonic vs Pluralistic model

Hegemonic model is about how people get brainwashed to do things, they help to determine how groups and people are represented.It believes in Marxist- dominant ideology- their views and values get promoted to the mass media.

Pluralistic model has an active audience and instead sees the media as diverse and full of consumer choices.

In a way I do believe in both the models as they can both be justified, however I mostly believe in the pluralistic model. I believe I am more of an active audience rather than passive as I tend to interpret and take the media in a way that I want and not the way that that it has been presented and portrayed.
However I kind of believe in the hegemonic model as it speaks about the ruling classes who brainwash us and this is true, for example Rupert Murdoch owns BSKYB, Star TV, The Sun and the Times therefore his views are portrayed to us and we believe what he believes however we are unaware of this, this is called false consciousness. However these institutions need to attract an audience therefore they would show what the audience would like, therefore they need to use the pluralistic model as well.

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