Tuesday 9 September 2008


Media Language
Camera shots and movements allow the audience to identify with the characters and show the female as being superior and the male inferior. Throughout the film Russell Mulcahy uses props such as Guns and swords to show Jovovich’s power in the film and through the use of Gun shot sounds and bomb blasts to make the action scenes very realistic and gives the film a real feel of action.


This text belongs to the genre of an action thriller, and this is clearly shown through the amount of bomb blasts and countless number of fight scenes throughout the movie. The movie also contains a genre of science fiction this is shown through the use of zombies and other creatures in the movies, this is also reflected through the way the setting is shown as it all looks quite futuristic as it is quite sandy and wrecked.

In my independent study Milla Jovovich is being represented in Resident Evil: Extinction by the way that she plays her dominant role. I have chosen to represent her as I am aiming to find out the development of females roles in action films.As Jovovich is the main character she is going against the stereotype and represented as being better then men and other characters and things such as zombies and weird creatures .

The text is targeted at a female and male audience. A female audience is attracted due to the main character being female, this will make female viewers believe that they are just as good as men. It attracts a male audience due to the genre of solid action, which is normally associated with males. It also attracts males due to the central character Milla Jovovich, seducing them. The audience can receive the text in a very formal way, however females may take the text with an impact, the text may set out feelings of happiness as they are seeing a female controlling the movie and being the main character in a genre of action and thriller. The main audience will be from the ages of 13 to 29 and will most likely be a middle class audience.

Values and Ideologies
The values of Resident Evil: Extinction is that Milla Jovovich aims to show female dominance, she aims to give messages across of the power the females can have and how they can be equal to men. This can clearly be seen through the way she kills many zombies. This also goes against the fact that men are more dominant in this patriarchal society.

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