Wednesday 18 March 2009


Halloween has many iconic visual images. Firstly one aspect that is very iconic is the fact that it is a bunch of teenagers who the whole film is based upon.
Secondly their is a psycho killer who wears a mask so that he is not identified and caarries a big knife around with him, which he uses to kill all his victims with.
Thirdly the characters who make out got jilled first.
Last of all i thought it was iconic about the psycho killer going after a lonely babysitter.


*The suspicious and murder scenes are always set at night time
*The murder scenes always take place in a house where the parents are away and a group of teenagers are together or someone is babysitting the parents kids.


*Final Girl
*Group of teenage friends
*Masked psycho killer

Psycho killer v Final Girl
Sane v Insane

Audience Response:
Audience is frightened yet excited and looks forward to somebody getting killed. They take sadistic and voyeuristic pleasures.

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